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Back in the USSA - part 2

Well, I guess there are a LOT of idiots out there! This is one time that I hope I am wrong , VERY wrong. Because I feel we just took our great country down a path that we will have a hard time getting back from. If you read these posts regularly, you should have seen one titled "Back in the USSA". I wrote it the day after our government started a socialist approach to banking and business. Our government now owns a sizable percentage of each of the top banks in the country - socialism. I have seen articles where the government is proposing "buying" sizable chunks of other industries, in the form of loans for equity swaps - socialism. Now we have elected a president that has socialist tendencies and a definite support for socialism in his past. Socialism DOES NOT WORK! I agree in theory it is a wonderful and compelling ideology. Spread the wealth. Take from the rich and give to the poor. Share and share alike. From each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need. If you don't recognize it that last one is directly from the guru of socialism - Karl Marx. The problem with the ideal of share and share alike is human nature. Why would the hard working people that do overtime now and work two jobs do so in an environment where any excess they make is put into a "pot" to go to all equally? Why would the lazy work at all, knowing the "pot" it there for them to get their needs met? Capitalism is NOT a dirty work. Free enterprise is the fuel that has built this nation into the greatest nation on earth. The problem with capitalism in its present form is that it is no longer FREE. We already have enough socialistic tendencies in our government/laws/regulations to hamper the results. The top producers in this country already pay all the income taxes. The bottom 40% of wage earners PAY NONE! This cannot stand. If you love this country and you want your grandchildren and great-grandchildren to do as well as most Americans have historically, you must pay attention. Fight big government and the politicians that try to make it bigger. We need fewer laws, less regulation, smaller government, and much less government waste! Get involved. Write your elected officials and tell them you want smaller government. Tell them you want less taxes (FOR ALL). Read, learn, and study the Constitution and ideals that this government was founded on. Don't fall for the hype. Just because the media and/or government says you are doing badly, you aren't. Just because they say you are doing well, that doesn't mean you are.


Anonymous said…
Amen!! Scott Poole for president 2012!!
Read "The Ten Cannots" by William J.H. Boetcker.

If only we all understood and believed them...

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