"WOW, are those real?" if I had a dime for every time I heard that one. I remember one summer I worked for my cousin Vlad. He ran a small business (wait for it..) making equipment for flea circuses. (there it is!) We made infinitesimally small bicycles, monkey bars, merry-go-rounds, wagons, and my favorite - wheels of death; among other things. It wasn't a great business, but Vlad loved it. It was ironic that Vlad should be involved with such small things as he was afflicted with Marfan Syndrome and Acromegaly. He was about 8ft tall with an arm span of over 8ft. It was funny seeing him working on a bicycle that was smaller than the nail on his little finger! Vlad had a strange hobby; he raised fainting goats. If you have never seen one of these, go to You Tube and search for them. They are great. When startled, they tense up, get all stiff legged and fall over. It is hilarious! Vlad was a hoot when he would rise to his full height and charge the goats with his tremendou...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.