Just a brief post with some reminders (or maybe some original thoughts for some of you!) 1) Censorship, especially of speech, is a bad thing in almost every case . Freedom of Speech was made as part the First Amendment to the Constitution (in the Bill of Rights) because it was recognized that the most effective way to silence dissent was to limit its spread. To limit the spread of differing ideas is to limit the possibility of dialogue and growth and leads to tyranny. 2) Discrimination against a group of people will never counteract or neutralize discrimination that was fostered upon another group of people . (also can be read: two wrongs don't make a right - no more comment is needed) 3) Diversity for the sake of diversity is discrimination . See #2. If you select a person for a position solely based on the color of their skin, their gender, or any other attribute other than their ability, you are practicing discrimination. Selecting the best candidate, based upon their qua...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.