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Showing posts from February 22, 2018

There Ought to be a Law

Well I have not posted since right before Christmas when the Christmas poem came to me. We (the collective we) were lamenting about goings on in far off lands and learning new ways to disrespect each other. Now we are back to one of the tried and true ways - fighting over gun control. Before I get into it let me let you give you some facts about me - I do not own any guns. I have never watched Fox news (except for switching between them and MSNBC and PBS on election night - I enjoy the contrast). I have voted for Democrats and Republican over my voting years. I try to get to facts instead of emotions on issues that are very inflammatory, like gun control. There has been another school shooting by a crazed individual with a gun; no THE gun, that all the world's troubles have been attached to; the AR-15. (AR-15-style is more correct, as actual AR-15s - trademark name owned by Colt - are a small part of the market as every rifle manufacturer makes a variant) This rifle is a semi-aut...