I just looked at the date of my last post and saw it was four months ago! I did not realize it has been that long. As I have mentioned here a few times after a pause like that - I don't not write due to a lack of inspiration or ideas, I don't write due to too much inspiration and too many ideas. I have four or five ideas for a post almost all the time. I cannot decide which to do, or I feel I have done a similar post in the past, or whatever reason - and I just don't do the post. Well, here I am again. Speaking of doing similar posts, I decided this would not be about the pandemic or the vaccines (although I do still have a LOT of thoughts on that subject), I also decided not to do politics/political commentary, at least not directly. There are some that will consider this post political commentary - and maybe it is. On with the show... I was looking through my Facebook feed just now and came across a couple of posts showing "the way we were" or nostalgia/nostal...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.