I have been wrestling with doing a post since shortly after the last one. As I gave written here before, when I don't post it is more likely that I have too many ideas rather than none. There are many, many things that I have thought about writing on and a few I have actually "roughed out" in my head. But, then something else would come along before I got it written and take the space. So, I end up writing neither. Sigh.. So, here we go... I thought I would just do a post on a new group I am founding and am going to be soliciting for members of shortly. It is the S top T rying to U nderstand P eople with I deas that are D ifferent group or the acronym - STUPID . We spend entirely too much time trying to relate to all those other people that think differently than we do. It is time to get together to celebrate our agreement with the correct thoughts - ours. I am still working out the details but I know the ideas we will believe in will have to be det...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.