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Showing posts from January 6, 2008

The Secret of Life

After the collage of yesterday, I thought I would get somewhat serious again. As those of you that know me are aware; a lot of Sunday mornings I make pancakes. I just finished doing so. As I was making pancakes, I thought of some things and thus this blog. If you have ever made pancakes in a actual frying pan, did you flip them with the pan? You know, like on TV or the movies - the cook takes the pan and flips the pancakes in the air to turn them. (It does NOT work at ALL if you use a large griddle like I do now - believe me!) If not, WHY? If so, did it work the first time you tried it? Unless you are some sort of pancake prodigy - probably not. In fact, you might have put some pancake batter on the ceiling, the floor (definitely), the walls, and/or the countertop. After a few tries (or so) you probably got it. What is weird, I bet if you have ever done it, no matter how long ago it was, if you get a similar pan you could do it now (maybe after a few warm-up flips). That is the firs...