I am old enough now that I can wax historically without shame. I have decades of learning and knowledge to combine with experience to interpret and determine a response to an action or activity. The issue with the young is their lack of experience and knowledge to draw comparisons from. The young can only use what has been learned by and shown to them in whatever time they have been exposed to something. That brings up a point that I want to make that is a deviation from the main theme of this post - I feel strongly that one of the reasons that politics has degenerated into what it has and the candidates have become as bad (on both sides!) as they have, is that we feel it takes more maturity and wisdom to decide to buy an alcoholic beverage than it does to vote for our elected representatives - 21 vs 18 years of age; and to diverge more- with less proof of who is doing the activity! (ID for those slow on the uptake) But that is not the gist of this post, let me get to it. A lot of p...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.