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Showing posts from March 28, 2016

A Remedial Lesson

I realized I had not done this in a while. I have picked up a lot of new readers (judging from the numbers of viewers and the emails) and wanted to "do my duty" to educate and inform. I am going to keep this basic. I have many posts on this site that go into detail on each of these. I could (and have) done an entire post on each. Here are the basics you need to remember: 1) There is NO GOVERNMENT MONEY!  I have many posts within that go over this in detail. Just remember, when a politician uses terms like "federal funds", "matching funds", "state funds", or mentions spending; you should substitute "my tax dollars". 2) CORPORATIONS DO NOT PAY TAXES - PEOPLE DO! Again, explanations are in prior posts. Just realize that stockholders or more likely the customers of the corporation pay all the taxes. A corporation just passes them along. Watch for politicians or leader-types when they tell you that a company or corporation is paying...