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Showing posts from April 3, 2020

I'm Not Hoarding, You're Hoarding!!

With the vast majority of the country under "lock-down" measures currently due to the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the great subjects of both discussions and complaints has been the lack of toilet paper to be found in any store! There are other items that are nowhere to be had either. We collectively have cursed our greedy neighbors for hoarding and stocking up unnecessary quantities of paper products, cleaning/sanitizing products, and food. Well, let me put your mind at ease, we are NOT a nation of greedy, "I've got mine, you fend for yourself" hoarders - at least not in a majority. After some study and thought let me "splain" it to you. As I mentioned at the opening, most of the country is at home. Most schools and a majority of businesses are closed. (Let me take this opportunity to thank those that are still keeping our country running. From truck drivers, to hospital janitorial staff, to grocery store cashiers and everyone else that is out there j...