I am worried about one other aspect of the economic crisis we are in currently. It seems to have diverted attention from the man made global warming nuts and their attempt to take over the world's economy in the name of "saving the planet". It bothers me when I see people mentioning their "carbon footprint" or reducing their CO2 emissions. I am all for taking care of our planet. But, this idiotic notion of anthropogenic warming of our atmosphere is rapidly becoming accepted. It is said if you repeat a lie enough it will become accepted. That is what is happening here. I have done many posts on this blog about global warming. I have links and quotes from many sources that show how this "accepted, proven science" is neither accepted nor proven. Here is a link to a letter sent to the U.N. Secretary General from 100 scientists asking him to get the U.N. to back down - http://www.middlebury.net/op-ed/un-signatories.html The final signatory is the...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.