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Showing posts from March 25, 2020

These Aren't Pajamas! They're Lounge Pants!

With most of us spending much more time at home and school kids among them, I thought I would do a post with suggestions on how to make your time at home "better" - or at least more livable and maybe more productive. I cannot take credit for the origination of any of these ideas, but I think I might present them in a different format and context. People need and crave order and schedules, at least to a point. I know we all crave and enjoy a day or so where we can just crash and not worry about the clock or things we have to do. Unfortunately, we all DO have thing we have to do - even when home. We also have to maintain our sanity and our peace of mind.  So, if you are home from work and "working from home", set up a schedule. It is important that you get up at a reasonable time and go through a "normal" routine of preparing for the workday (or school day - but I will get more specific on that aspect in a bit). Now, if you have to get up at 5 am ...