Below are 3 "papers" I wrote for the folks at my work. We import products directly from Asia as well as having our domestic suppliers rely on China for components and finished goods. The Coronavirus is of great interest to all of us for business, humanitarian, and personal reasons. Below are "facts" as far as I could determine. I am NOT a medically trained person. This is NOT meant to be a scientific treatise on Covid-19. I have done extensive research through medical, healthcare, government, and scientific sites; so this IS meant to be as factual as I can make it as an informed layperson. Do your own fact checking and research if you have concerns. If you want to follow these as I wrote them, the first is actually from 10 -12 days ago and is at the bottom. I added to these twice more with the date at the top. Updated as of March 7 th Here are some additional facts and thoughts as of this morning. The numbers in China have continued to plateau. The new ...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.