One would think one of the advantages of being a father of six (yes - SIX) would be the copious gifts and good tidings one would receive on ones birthday. HAH. I am writing this at 11:57 pm on my 55th birthday - the day I passed from a simple adult to a senior citizen discount eligible citizen - with only THREE "Happy Birthday"s from my kids. I got more good wishes and greetings from my on-line websites, groups, companies, and forums I belong to than my six kids. (to be fair - one of the three that never wished me Happy B'Day was the ONLY one to cough up a gift - ALWAYS nice!) Hey, PEPSI (or one of their computers),took time out of its busy day to wish me Happy B'Day! Can anyone say - E-CARDs!?! Bitter? Nah, I'm not bitter. There were probably thousands of fathers with six children that didn't hear from three of them, AND ONLY GOT A GIFT OR CARD FROM ONE OF THEM! I'm sure of it. (this is pretty cool - I can semi-publicly chastise my kids in front of the...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.