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Showing posts from May 16, 2008

Birthday wishes - holiday dreams

One would think one of the advantages of being a father of six (yes - SIX) would be the copious gifts and good tidings one would receive on ones birthday. HAH. I am writing this at 11:57 pm on my 55th birthday - the day I passed from a simple adult to a senior citizen discount eligible citizen - with only THREE "Happy Birthday"s from my kids. I got more good wishes and greetings from my on-line websites, groups, companies, and forums I belong to than my six kids. (to be fair - one of the three that never wished me Happy B'Day was the ONLY one to cough up a gift - ALWAYS nice!) Hey, PEPSI (or one of their computers),took time out of its busy day to wish me Happy B'Day! Can anyone say - E-CARDs!?! Bitter? Nah, I'm not bitter. There were probably thousands of fathers with six children that didn't hear from three of them, AND ONLY GOT A GIFT OR CARD FROM ONE OF THEM! I'm sure of it. (this is pretty cool - I can semi-publicly chastise my kids in front of the...