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Showing posts from November 5, 2019

Civics: Not Just a Group of Honda Cars - Rev 11 6 19

I have tried to somewhat stay away from the political battles going on, but I have been stewing on some "stuff" for a while now. So, here we go... There seems to be a tremendous outcry of things President Trump has said or done in running the government. (an understatement maybe?) Since neither Civics nor Political Science are taught much at all any more I wanted to remind (or maybe let some know for the first time) some facts about how our government was designed and is set up to be run. ( A note: if you are not into a civics lesson and want to get to the "point" of this - scroll down to the line -------- and start there ) Ultimately, but indirectly, the government is run my us - We the People. We do that through voting every 2, 4, and/or 6 years depending on the elected office. However for all practical purposes the government is run by each of the three branches - the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial. The Judicial at the Federal/National level...