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Showing posts from March 7, 2009


I knew my fan would be looking for another post. Since I am not "riled up" about anything and do not feel especially creative, here are some real headlines from the news: Alligator Accused of Starting Fire at Abandoned Pennsylvania School another reason never to let your pets play with matches! Outrage in France After Boy Locked in Bedroom for Seven Years six years, ehhh - seven, sacre bleu! ( unfortunately, this was a case of severe child abuse. NOT funny - I was commenting on the weird wording of the headline) Illegal Immigration Foe Fears Dead Goat Bearing Gang Sign Is Death Threat I was not even aware goats ran in gangs! I guess the guy ran with a baaaaad crowd . I wonder if the alligator was involved? Parrot Tattles on Cheating Lover Bird love gone bad? Chiropractor Treats Patients Using Time Travel Was he using time travel to treat them or was he helping them recover from time travel? (I really wanted to know this, but could not find the actual article) Nake...