The irresponsible reporting of the Covid-19 pandemic is getting ridiculous. If there are any of you out there that don't believe the reporting is no more than a way to generate panic and sow distrust of the government's handling of the crisis- here are some charts for you from the CDC. (taken from screenshots of the site today 7/24/20) First, the figures that all the reports are fixated on: (the growth in cases) You can see that the number of cases is growing quite a bit of late! The reporting on that number is correct. Now the one that matters: (deaths) I do my best not to participate in hyperbole, so I will mention that the deaths are not immediately reported and/or recorded. So, the figures after 7/4 on the chart will go up some for sure over the next weeks as these numbers come in. However, you can see the deaths are dropping almost exactly inversely to the cases! Even if the death rate was remaining the same, the overall number would be rising! (a percentage of a large num...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.