I tried to come up with a catchy title for this one but nothing came to mind. The overwhelming evidence that the Global Warming/Climate Change hysteria is nothing but a perpetrated hoax intended to change our way of life keeps me from thinking of anything humorous. I have done many posts on this subject over the more than seven years I have been doing this blog. I have statistics, scientific reports, quotes from climatologists and scientists, etc that show that this "crisis" is total bunk. Most of these posts were from figures gathered over five years ago. At that point we had had over ten years of NO WARMING! We now are approaching TWENTY YEARS of no warming and a slight cooling! The stability (or slight cooling - depending on which figures you use) of the global temps has occurred at the same time that the atmospheric concentration of CO2 has grown to well over that "tipping point" of 400 parts per million. From WWII up until the mid 1970s (not meant to be exact...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.