....(fade in) announcer - So, let's give him a round of applause!! panelist 1 - Was it good? contestant - Yep? panelist 1 - Did you buy it or "find it" (chuckles and laughter from audience)? contestant - Bought it. announcer - One more question for you. panelist 1 - Did more than one of you eat off of it? contestant - Yep. announcer - OK. Any guesses? panelist 1 - UHHHHH - Nope, I guess not. announcer - panelist 2 panelist 2 - Was it cooked? contestant - Eventually (snickers from audience). panelist 2 - Did you have to skin it first? contestant - (whispers to announcer with question) I guess you could say so. announcer - Last question. panelist 2 - Would you eat it again? contestant - Yep, I guess. announcer - Ideas? panelist 2 - A possum? contestant - Nope. announcer - Well, that's all the time we have tonight. Tune in next time for: (entire audience) WHAT DID BUBBA EAT!! (fade out)
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.