....(fade in) announcer - So, let's give him a round of applause!!
panelist 1 - Was it good?
contestant - Yep?
panelist 1 - Did you buy it or "find it" (chuckles and laughter from audience)?
contestant - Bought it.
announcer - One more question for you.
panelist 1 - Did more than one of you eat off of it?
contestant - Yep.
announcer - OK. Any guesses?
panelist 1 - UHHHHH - Nope, I guess not.
announcer - panelist 2
panelist 2 - Was it cooked?
contestant - Eventually (snickers from audience).
panelist 2 - Did you have to skin it first?
contestant - (whispers to announcer with question) I guess you could say so.
announcer - Last question.
panelist 2 - Would you eat it again?
contestant - Yep, I guess.
announcer - Ideas?
panelist 2 - A possum?
contestant - Nope.
announcer - Well, that's all the time we have tonight. Tune in next time for: (entire audience)
WHAT DID BUBBA EAT!! (fade out)
Here is another thing that is bothering me - I am tired of people whining about gas prices. Gas was never free!! When people whine about "$40 to fill my tank" they forget that even at $2 a gallon it was $25 or so to fill it!! Here are some numbers: The average car in the U.S. is driven about 12,000 miles a year. If you get 20 MPG (hey if you are driving a Hummer, getting 10, I don't want to hear it!) That is 600 gallons of gas a year. Most people would be estatic if gas was at $2 a gallon again -SO, that is about $600 a year (for the extra $1 a gallon) or $11.54 a week. Now I know there are a LOT of folks that were struggling to pay the $2, but the average person I know was not. Here is another way to look at it. How many Starbuck's coffees or lattes have you had lately at $$37.33 a gallon? ($3.50 for a 12 oz one) How about a beer on an airplane at $53.33 a gallon? ($5 per) Then there is bottled water at $10.66 a gallon. ($1 a 12oz bottle -and it can be MUCH higher...