If you have read much of this blog, you know how I feel about the idiotic pseudo-science of "global warming". (I put it in quotes because we may have some warming of our climate, but NOT man-made, and NOT anything we can control) If you follow any of the non-traditional news or do any digging beyond the headlines, you may have seen the reporting of the scandal based around tens of thousands of documents and emails from the Hadley Climate Research Unit in England. These emails and documents, although possibly out of context, contain damning evidence of a conspiracy to defraud the world concerning man-made global warming. Check out " Climategate " in a Google or anywhere else for details. I, like others, am now more convinced than ever that the whole man-made global warming thing is a hoax. Maybe not even an innocent one. The cost to society and our way of life to do what these eco -nuts wanted would have (and still could if we don't act on this info) destroyed...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.