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Showing posts from September 10, 2015

Current Events - Part 2 / Follow Up

In the last post I listed a few national issues and things in the news and was going to comment on them. As the post was getting long I decided to end the comments and revisit in another post. Here is that post.  Here are the things I did NOT cover from my opening remarks of last: When half of the population is living off of the other half through government programs, it is time to wake up. When our national debt has grown more in the past eight years than in the total of all years prior in the history of our country, it is time to change things. When people that illegally enter our country are called "immigrants" and offered benefits normally reserved for citizens, we need to wake up. When the First Amendment is used to stifle religious practices vs protect them, we have lost our way. I hope any of you that read and/or have read the posts here know that I try to be fair. Yes, I have my opinions and thoughts about what is right and wrong with our policies, government, e...