Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of watching a cashier self-implode. (OK, not totally "self", I was involved!) I had bought six 2 liter soft drinks. She was bagging them. She had done the first two - two to a bag, then double bagged it. She complained - "Man I HATE working with these drinks and bags! They don't cooperate at all!". I said - "Why not just put one to a bag, and not double bag?" Her answer - "We are required to put two to a bag." My response (ever trying to be helpful) - "If you put one to a bag, and then DON'T double bag them, it will be the same number of bags; and even the same weight per bag." Her - ????????????? (I could hear the wheels turning) "...but we have to put two to a bag." Me - "I guess it is better. Carry on." Now, what is scary to me about this is twofold - 1) she obviously had no concept of what I was saying 2) it might be policy, which means some "manager/...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.