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  People say time passes. You have probably heard this all your life. I understand the thought but disagree with the premise.   Yes, from a strictly literal sense time passes or goes by. In a more precise sense, I think time does much more. Time is not a passive thing that is gone in an instant. Time cannot pass. This instant is gone, and another follows.   Time alters. Time destroys. Time is boring. Time also can build. Time can entertain. Time is smells. Time is sights. Time is tastes. Time is sounds. Time is anticipation. Time is participation. Time is dreams and time is memories.   Time does not pass. Time was. Time will be. Time IS.                                                                “THE” 5 12 24  
Recent posts

War is...Heck!

We (the all-encompassing global we) are facing war daily, and have for quite a while. Now, I know the way I face these wars and those that live in Ukraine, the Middle East, Western Sahara, Cyprus, Yemen or any of the other 30 or so places where actual gunfire (and worse) are occurring every day face them is impossible to compare, however war is still top of mind if you follow any news at all. I have noticed, as someone old enough to remember many wars, that wars now are expected to be "clean". What I mean by that is any deaths are reported as abominations. Death should never be taken lightly and I am not dismissing the horror of war and any deaths. However, war is war. In my opinion and the opinion of many others, we are facing constant warfare in no small measure because we do have this expectation of no civilian deaths and minimal damage to anything not purely military in nature. Surgical strikes are not just expected, when a surgical strike does not work, it is condemned.

Thoughts and Ideas for 2024

 If you are truly pressed for time, just read the bold, italicized, and underlined sentences. That won't take you long at all! Another year has passed and if you are reading this, a new one is getting ready to start (or has started) for you. New Year’s celebrations are a time for reflection on what has happened and also a chance to start anew. New Year’s resolutions are a manifestation of this. Weight loss plans, gym proprietors, exercise equipment makers, and others know this. If you have watched any TV, gone online, or read any magazines or newspapers you know that the people that make their living selling and signing people up for those things are hitting it hard. We like new beginnings and the chance to reset and set new goals. Losing weight, stopping smoking, cut back or stopping drinking, and other things a lot of folks see as improvement are at the forefront of our collective thoughts and efforts this time of year. Although not a real advocate of New Year’s resolutions, I


 Well, even though the media is doing what they always do and making the budget dispute now seem to be unique and disastrous, it is neither. Just since 1980 there have been 10 government shutdowns. Some were for only certain branches of the government (in a bit of disclosure, I am not sure how the government can only shut down only some parts) and some were for only one day (actually only part of one day).  The last two were during the Trump administration. Those times the executive branch (Trump administration) wanted to set some limits on spending and the Democratic controlled Congress did not. The entire government was shut down for three days in January 2018 and then in December of 2018 the majority of the government was shut down for 35 days into January of 2019.  During the Obama administration there was a complete government shutdown for 16 days. The Obama administration was trying to increase spending and the Republican led Congress was trying to set limits. (See the previous p

Hey, I'm Good For It!

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It's the Supremes! (but where's Diana Ross?)

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  Age is just a number. You are only as old as you feel. Ageing is just another word for living. It's not how old you are, it's how you are old. You probably have heard most if not all of those statements. Depending on your age when you heard them, you may have chuckled, or you may have just ignored them. What is old? Age IS a number. We use it to have a measure of someone's maturity, although it is not a very good indicator of this. As for how old one may feel, I cannot speak for others but for me that means there are days I have one foot in the grave and others that I should join in a T-ball game.  To a 4 year old, a 10 year old is - old! In fact, I have a formula - if you are from 5 to 15 in age - someone that is half-again older than you - rounded up to the next whole year, is old (for clarity - I am not talking "ancient", just old). For example, a 6 year old would consider a 9 year old - old. They can stay up later. Instead of being in first grade, they are i