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Showing posts from 2011

Someone turn out the lights, we're out of here! (never mind, they'll get turned off soon enough)

Well. we did it. An incompetent congress, directed by an incompetent president has taken our national debt to a whole new record! Sometime this week (as I write this on Dec 23, 2011) our national debt has exceeded our GDP. Now some of you do not know what a GDP is. (some of you don't care, but then you shouldn't be reading this - move on to some of my light hearted ones - they get all the hits anyway). GDP, or Gross Domestic Product is the total of the value of all the goods and services produced/performed in the U.S. combined with the value of all the goods produced and exported, minus the value of the goods imported. Or,  GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending, + (exports - imports).   There are other ways of measuring GDP, but in theory at least they should all add to the same number. What really bothers me is this travesty occurred while Congress was battling over extending a social security tax suspension for two months. TWO FREAKIN' ...

Did YOU make that?

I am sure all of you have heard someone in the last year comment about how America doesn't make anything anymore. You may have even said it yourself. I have come across some interesting figures (at least to me - I love numbers!) about that. What if I told you that manufacturing output, measured in dollar value, was at its HIGHEST in 2010. OK, I am telling you that. It's true. The U.S. manufacturing output was a record 1.7+ trillion dollars last year. How is that possible? We don't make anything anymore! (FYI, I have found some other figures that show the manufacturing output for the U.S. much higher - over $2.3 Trillion last year. So, it may be even "better" than I have presented. I am going with my original research however. I did want you to know.) First, obviously we do make "things". One of the reasons that people feel that we don't is the fact that there are a LOT less people employed in manufacturing jobs than there were even at the turn ...

Reading lists

It still amazes me how many hits this blog gets. Especially since I have not been posting regularly since my wife died on May 30th. Another thing that amazes me is the post that gets the most hits. "Now Boarding at Gate 999" is the most read post I have done. Here is a link to that post: The second most read post is "Another Ramble". Here is a link to that one. It appears there are a fair number of people out there that can appreciate my idiotic sense of humor. If you like those types of posts, here are a few more to check out: AND ONE OF MY FAVORITES IN THIS VEIN: There are a group of p...

On the soapbox again

I am worried about one other aspect of the economic crisis we are in currently. It seems to have diverted attention from the man made global warming nuts and their attempt to take over the world's economy in the name of  "saving the planet". It bothers me when I see people mentioning their "carbon footprint" or reducing their CO2 emissions. I am all for taking care of our planet. But, this idiotic notion of anthropogenic warming of our atmosphere is rapidly becoming accepted. It is said if you repeat a lie enough it will become accepted. That is what is happening here. I have done many posts on this blog about global warming. I have links and quotes from many sources that show how this "accepted, proven science" is neither accepted nor proven. Here is a link to a letter sent to the U.N. Secretary General from 100 scientists asking him to get the U.N. to back down - The final signatory is the...


I am writing this on the tenth anniversary of the attacks of September 11th, 2001. I have been watching some of the news coverage of the memorial service and reading some of the articles and such in the news and around the internet. First, I want to make sure that those reading this know I am very, very sorry for the families and friends of those that lost their lives that day and in the next few that followed. The horror of the towers being struck and then falling, combined with the uncertainty of any attacks still to come made that day a hell for anyone old enough to realize what was going on, especially anyone with loved ones in harms way that day. I sincerely hope that all of those affected that day have gotten or will acheive some peace in their lives. Those of you that have read more than a post or two of this blog know that is not all I have to say. So, here is what motivated me to write this post, other than the sadness of the memorial ceremonies - I am VERY suspect and d...

I'm back and we're all broke!

I finally have something to say. Like a lot of the news and the news reporters, I am going to comment on the national debt, debt ceiling, and related. First - if you think the current problem is a Republican problem - you are WRONG! Second - if you think this is a Democrat problem - you are also WRONG! One thing I can say about today's politicians, for the most part they are all clueless. The only thing that appears to be motivating most of them is getting re-elected. There is enough blame to go WAY beyond party lines. One aspect of the debt ceiling/national debt discussion that bothers me is that most average Americans seem only to be concerned about the problem in relation to any monies they get from the government being cut off. This is the problem people! Remember the base rule - THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT MONEY!! It still angers me beyond words when I hear a reporter, politician, or anyone else talking about "federal funds", or "state money". (but that i...

I AM AN AMERICAN - another reprint

Considering my lack of enthusiasm and the fact that I like this post and think it still makes the point - I am going to reprint this post again. This is from 2009 and last year. In 2009 I had a technical error and this did not get posted until after the 4th. Last year it was up. Happy 4th of July! U.S.A.! Become engaged with politics. Write or call your elected officials and make your feelings known. I do not know many people today that think the country is on the right track regardless of their political leanings. Remember, the government works for US! Here is the post - I am an American. Like the majority of those living in this country, I was born here as were my parents and their parents. Like the great majority of those living in this country, my ancestors were not born here. A direct descendant on my paternal side immigrated here in 1789 from England. However, I am not an English-American or even a European-American. It bothers me to see people described (by self or ot...


For those of you that have not been to my other blog ( ) you may wonder why there has been a lack of posts here. That blog is/was about the journey that my wife Carol and I were travelling with her disease - Multiple System Atrophy. Carol passed away on May 30th. I have been dealing with the pain and loss and have not been too politically or socially motivated. I plan to continue here, I am just not sure exactly when I will be motivated again. Just remember - There is no government money. Scott


The essence of someone is held in the memories and bound by love always to remain. People are eternal if they are remembered with love.     R.I.P. Carol                             "THE"

Again with the spending and the deficit...

I was going to write another post about our dire financial state. I then remembered that it was not too long ago that I did just that. So, in the interest of time and energy I am just going to ask you to read the posts from April 3rd and March 20th. Although not the best I have written, they get the point across. Please read and then think about it. Call or write your congressman and/or senator. We must do something.


I see you sometimes as you were laughing, not crying. walking, not lying. doing, not trying. living, not dying. I see you mostly as you are sitting, not walking. quiet, not talking. with death stalking. But, I see you sometimes as you were.

Remembering "Memories"

I was just reading some of my posts from the beginnings of this thing over three and a half years ago. Wow! Here is one that is definitely different from the latest I have done. Check it out. I am not all politics and such.

I didn't do it!

I cannot let this continue without a comment. The idiocy that is coming from Washington and the media about this "Government Shutdown" and the budget is ridiculous! Here are some facts: 1) the Congress (specifically the House of Representatives) is required by law to submit a proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year by April of the current year. The key here is "required by law". The Democrats were in charge of the congress for all of 2010. The current fiscal year (2011) started October 1st (don't ask me why, but the Federal fiscal years all run from Oct 1st through Sept 30th). The House (CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS) did NOT submit a suggested budget. Neither the Senate nor the President (both CONTROLLED BY DEMOCRATS) asked them to do so. 2) in JUNE of 2010 Nancy Pelosi's (the Speaker of House at the time) Chief of Staff said not only had they not submitted a budget, but did not plan to do so (even though it is REQUIRED BY LAW!). When the new year came a...

Spending and Spending

I almost hate to do this one for fear of running off people that don't want serious posts, or get bored with the same subject; but I feel I have to. My last post went into the problem we have in this country with finances, specifically government finances. There are way too many people in this country that believe the government can just spend money whenever and on whatever they want (including a lot of politicians!). I won't redo that post. If you care, you can go look yourself. This post however is going to be similar. I am gravely concerned about our national debt. Mostly because the spending/budgeting by the government seems to be ignoring it. The U.S. national debt now stands at over 14 TRILLION dollars! 14 Trillion! Our GDP (gross domestic product - the combined value of all goods and services of an economy) is about 14 Trillion dollars. So, the U.S. owes as much as it produces. Now this is not as much as is earns - but produces. Compare this to an individual that owe...

The check's in the mail - but the Postal Service can't afford to deliver it.

I know it has been a while. As I have said before, the lack of posts here is not because I have nothing to write; but because I have too much. Life has been busy, so taking the time to clear a thought and post it is sometimes hard. Just a quick (I think, we will see after I finish writing this if "quick" really applied) thought or two on our country and the financial mess we find ourselves in. Now, if you do not think the country is in a financial mess, or the only problem is we don't tax those evil rich people enough - you might want to just move on to a blog about puppies or apple fritters. Otherwise, let's go! The United States (as most countries on earth) is what I consider to be bankrupt. We as a nation are continually paying out and promising to pay out much more than we are taking in. Now, legally the U.S. is not bankrupt because no debt has been defaulted on and the U.S. still has a credit rating that allows it to borrow money to cover these pay outs. Howe...

Where are all the wise politicians?

The more I read what this man wrote, the more I am awed by him. I would love for him to be around today to talk to the politicians and the voters. Here are a few of my favorite quotes: I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Spam really works???

I did a post a while back about spam emails and how it seems to me the senders aren't even trying any more. See it here: . I got a real winner this morning. Here is the headline: It was Soapy's design to ass An attention grabber, yes? The body of the email (with links excluded - I don't want to send them any business): You might have revieved an alert about that in our store ( link was here ) a lot of quality products. By purchasing our product you get a great gift. Many products and discounts. Really? This is how you make a living?!?! Like I said before, it is said that the reason spam is around is IT WORKS! Who responds to this stuff? And spammers, if you are going to spam english speaking countries and people, AT LEAST LEARN ENGLISH! There is no work ethic any more. Sheeesh!

Just checked - the voices say I am still OK

Well we made it! 20+ years of teenagers is over!! My youngest turned 20 today. If you don't know or recall why I am happy, I wrote about this day in 2009. See it here: 16+ years of at least two teenagers in our house! It is a wonder I can function at all. Happy birthday youngest! Move out.  ; )

The results are in!

I discovered today where all the old stewardesses (yes, stewardesses - too old to be flight attendants) go to die... Delta (more specifically, Delta Express) I thought I had spotted the fossil remains of one, and then she stood up and started doing the safety demonstration. (moved well, for a mummified creature!)

Headline time again

Before I get into the actual headlines with my famous witty commentary, here is a story that I find fascinating. I truly believe that one of our problems in America is we have too many people with too much free time. Now regardless of how you feel about the art below - this woman has TOO MUCH FREE TIME! (at least in my opinion) Woman Recreates 'Last Supper' With Lint Da Vinci's Masterpiece Has Seen Many Incarnations ROSCOMMON, Mich. -- A northern Michigan woman has put her own spin on Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" by making a replica out of laundry lint. Laura Bell of Roscommon collected lint from her dryer and fashioned it into a 14-foot-long, 4-foot tall reproduction of the Italian Renaissance painter's masterpiece. Bell says she needed about 800 hours to do enough laundry to get the lint, and 200 hours to recreate the mural. She bought towels of the colors she wanted and laundered them separately to get the right shades of lint.     ...

The Devil Just Bought an Overcoat

I just read a headline that proves we are in dire times... Tony Bennett is doing a duet with Amy Winehouse Wait, I just realized that this news is probably only relevant to a very small percentage of people. Let me explain. for the youth, who are wondering who this Tony Bennett is - he is an 84 year old singer that has sold over 50 million records worldwide while collecting 15 Grammy awards. His first pop hit was in 1951. for the old, who are wondering who Amy Winehouse is - she is a 27 year old singer that is famous for her drinking, heavy drug use, violent mood swings and weight loss. Her first hits were in 2003. Good career move for someone?!?!