I was going to start with my "lessons", but I will end with them instead. As I realize some (if not most) people do not want to learn or feel "preached at" and will tune out, I will start with the "meat" of what I wanted to say. I have written about a plethora of subjects here. I can tell you that yes, my opinions are represented, (hey, my blog, my forum, my opinions) however I do try to clearly distinguish pure opinion from facts whenever possible. I can also tell you that I try very, very hard to base my opinions on fact. One of the benefits of our modern, connected age is the access to almost unlimited data. From when I was a child (not of ancient times, but years ago) where a trip to the library was needed for extensive study on a subject, or using an encyclopedia that was outdated on contemporary subjects once it was printed; we have at our fingertips data to rival the greatest libraries and museums in the world. I do a LOT of research in coming up ...
The universe, by definition, is infinite. It is arrogant for us to think mankind can formulate all the questions much less grasp all the answers.