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Because We Said So!

I was going to start with my "lessons", but I will end with them instead. As I realize some (if not most) people do not want to learn or feel "preached at" and will tune out, I will start with the "meat" of what I wanted to say.

I have written about a plethora of subjects here. I can tell you that yes, my opinions are represented, (hey, my blog, my forum, my opinions) however I do try to clearly distinguish pure opinion from facts whenever possible. I can also tell you that I try very, very hard to base my opinions on fact. One of the benefits of our modern, connected age is the access to almost unlimited data. From when I was a child (not of ancient times, but years ago) where a trip to the library was needed for extensive study on a subject, or using an encyclopedia that was outdated on contemporary subjects once it was printed; we have at our fingertips data to rival the greatest libraries and museums in the world. I do a LOT of research in coming up with my opinions. So, the internet and it's connections to this almost limitless base of data has been a great blessing to me. The ability to link to, read and study data and others opinions on almost any subject has been phenomenal. But, here is where the nexus of this post comes from...

I am finding it more and more difficult to find relevant unbiased raw data on any subject of  sociologically contentious debate. And, without trying to sound biased myself; data that is not biased to the politically correct norm is becoming especially difficult to find. I much prefer raw unfiltered data when I am researching a subject. However, in the past ten years or so (and especially in the past two or three) it is becoming more and more difficult to find this. Almost all the "facts" out there on any subject of societal concern is just opinion - or select facts presented to support that opinion.

I am old enough, and I hope wise enough to realize that not all of my fellow humans share my desire to research and learn truth. Many are too lazy, unconcerned, or distracted to care. Talking heads, think tanks, spin doctors, and others mired in the business of presenting opinion as fact have a vested interest in keeping this lack of dialogue going. I find it both appalling and very disheartening. A society of lemmings is not a free society at all. Dissenting opinions are both healthy and necessary for growth and the advancement of society and knowledge. If you don't believe that, think if humans had accepted the "facts" that diseases were caused by evil spirits, that the earth is the center of the universe, that the smallest unit of matter was the molecule (or even the atom). Dissension causes growth when properly directed.

My point - watch your sources of "facts". If you get your news from one (or even two) sources - shame on you. If you use social media at one of those sources without any fact checking - double shame on you. A majority of what is out there today as fact is nothing more than an agenda.

Now, for the "lessons". Please note these and do some fact checking if you like! I am not going to do explanations of these. If you care to get additional data on any - they are listed in multiple posts on this site.

1) There is no government money.
2) Corporations do not pay taxes - people do.
3) Corporations do not exist to create jobs or provide benefits.
4) Minimum wage jobs are not and were never meant to support a family or even be a permanent occupation.
5) Term limits are critical to getting things done in government. We must get Congress and the bureaucrats rolled over to truly give the power back to the people.

Be kind and learn something REAL every day.


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