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Showing posts from December, 2018

We're Just a Brick in the Wall

Recently, I reposted on Facebook a synopsis of the votes in Congress relating to the government shutdown and funding. A co-worker/friend posted a response (which I have included below in its entirety to be fair and to make sure I addressed all points.   Here is what I posted: Here is his response in black: (I did omit a link he also posted to an article/story from CNBC going into the certainty of a government shutdown, otherwise this is all of it) My response is in RED following each of his comments.   First, Trump said, on national television, that he would own the shutdown.  Trump is owning the shutdown as much as he can. He has said what he wants in the budget and has professed to not accept or sign a budget without it. It is the Constitutional responsibility of Congress (specifically the House of Representatives, with oversite participation of the Senate and the Executive branch) to draw up and pass a spending bill. Then the President has the resp...

A New Christmas Poem

When this came to me, I was shopping for groceries. I remembered that I had done a Christmas poem last year; but I had forgotten it was also loosely based on "The Night Before Christmas". (if you care, it was last year just a bit later than this - here is a link: ) And some say history does NOT repeat itself - ha! Here we go: SOME TIME BEFORE CHRISTMAS ‘Twas the weeks before Christmas and all through the land, People were whining of things they don’t understand. The politicians were posturing in front of cameras with care In hope that the news cycle would feature them there. The pundits and experts all smug because they knew, That few would even challenge the words they would spew. With the people recovering from elections just ended And hoping to relax while feelings were mended Out of the news mongers there arose such a clatter The people knew their weary bones just didn’t matter. T...