The mantra now on handling the pandemic is "TESTS"! The cries of "We need testing!" or "Tests are the way to restart the economy!" are everywhere.
I have a couple of thoughts on that. (I will pause now while you recover from the shock of that statement)
First - How do we test more than 300 million people?
If we set up 250,000 testing centers (and that is a HUGE "if" - to give you a comparison, there are less than 6,500 hospitals in the entire USA and "only" around 14,000 McDonalds!) that still means that each testing center would have to test @1,200 people. So, that means even at 100 people a day that would take @12 days - remember that. A much more reasonable number would be a couple of hundred in each State, so 5,000 to 10,000. If you take the 10,000 number that means the testing would take @10 months - remember this number as well.
Second - What good are the tests for a disease that shows no symptoms in a majority of patients and has up to (and maybe over) a 14 day incubation period? Remember the first comment. I go in on day 1 of the testing and am told I am good to go - no Covid-19. At that point almost @90% of the population would still be untested (using the unrealistic 12 day scenario - if you use the more realistic 10 month scenario, statistically no one had been tested -<1 10="" 12="" a="" actually="" all="" am="" an="" and="" any="" as="" at="" back="" be="" being="" centers="" could="" country.="" days="" done="" during="" entire="" even="" exact="" exposed.="" exposed="" fact="" font="" for="" go="" has="" have="" home.="" i="" if="" impossible="" in="" infected="" irrelevant="" is="" makes="" me="" months="" next="" not="" of="" only="" or="" out="" over="" people="" point="" practical="" purposes="" quarantine="" run="" says="" site="" so="" staff="" test="" testing="" that="" the="" then="" there="" this="" time.="" to="" total="" valid="" walking="" was="" while="" will="" you="">1>
I am not a conspiracy theorist but I have to wonder if the only reason the testing is being pushed so loudly is that "they" know it cannot be done! (reread the First comment if you doubt it) The control freaks in government are having a field day in telling folks where they can and cannot go and what the can and cannot do. In a previous post, I commented on that so I will not belabor that point here.
The other type of testing is the antibody test that can show if you have had the disease. The first argument still applies - how is it done logistically. The second argument here that I see is this:
What if everyone in a certain work environment tests negative? Do you keep them from work? Does that business shut down if open or not open at all? How is that practical? Except for the knowledge gained in knowing what percentage of the population has had and recovered (which I can tell you is MUCH higher than most people think - it could be approaching 50% if some early numbers are correct), I do not see what this test does either in practical application.
Speaking of where we can and cannot go, how is it helping things by limiting the only places we can go? The grocery stores are more crowded now than when I used to go shopping before the "lock-down". We are being forced into five or six places as opposed to tens or hundreds, depending on where you live. This almost ensures that everyone in an area is exposed to everyone else! The exact opposite of the intent. It is idiotic to suppose that going to a 10,000 square foot grocery store is more safe than wandering a 350,000 square foot mall. But, that is another thought. Let's keep this to testing.
I do have comments enabled for all my posts. This is a serious question - what good are tests? If you have an answer and can present it in a civil and cogent manner, I welcome it and it will be posted. No non-civil and/or vulgar comments will be posted. However, feel free to agree or disagree as you wish. The thoughts behind your comments are very much desired though. Just a "uh-uhh!" is not very productive.